Composition of the GSO
The GSO is composed of representatives from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, UK, USA, and the European Commission. Participating countries are represented on the GSO by government officials and experts in the areas of international research infrastructures and international relations.
Relevant international organisations may join as observers. The OECD acts an observer to ensure good coordination with the Global Science Forum (GSF).
If you would like to learn about the current representatives, please see: List of senior officials and accompanying experts
Joining the GSO
The GSO is open to new members actively engaged in GRI activities and investments. The GSO may identify potential members and invite them to join. Interested countries may also express their interest to the GSO Secretariat. Participants representing bodies other than national governments, such as relevant intergovernmental organisations, will be considered Observers.
The GSO is open to applications from countries hosting a significant number of Research Infrastructures, either global or of global interest. If your country wants to join the GSO, please send an email from the Senior Official in charge of Research Infrastructures to the GSO Secretariat. The application will be submitted to the following GSO meeting. Additional information may be requested.
Any GSO member can also leave the group by notifying the Secretariat. Please read the Terms of Reference of the GSO for more information.